Have you ever tried to grow a giant pumpkin? Do you think you could beat this?
Weighing in at 1810.5 pounds, this giant pumpkin grown by Chris Stevens of Minnesota is the new world record holder for 2011. The previous “largest pumpkin on earth” record was won by Christy Harp from Ohio in 2009, with a pumpkin that weighed 1725 pounds.
How do you grow a pumpkin this big? Start with seeds of the variety Atlantic Giant, developed by Howard Dill. Prepare your soil with plenty of compost. Pinch off all but the one most promising pumpkin on the vine. Then give it lots of water, lots of your special formula pumpkin food (whatever that may be), and lots of love.
A giant pumpkin can grow up to 40 lbs. in one day! You will have to carefully watch and nurture your baby giant to make sure that it doesn’t break off the vine or rot from sitting on the ground. A baby that big takes a lot of attention.
And a lot of luck!
Posted by Nancy, who will never break that record.