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Why do you love your library?

Laura Lippman, author of the newly released I’d Know You Anywhere, has announced a very cool contest on her website.   She states:

The paradox in my life is that I speak for a fee, almost always to libraries, and donate that fee to my hometown library. But the fact remains that while some libraries are still doing well, many are not. I would like to show my support for a library that can’t afford to bring in speakers. So here’s the deal: Write an essay about your hometown library and why I should visit.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if she came to speak at our library?  We are definitely one of those libraries that can’t afford to bring in speakers but I know that we have many avid readers who would enjoy hearing her speak (we have LOTS of her books available at the library- if you’ve never read one I would highly recommend them).
You can read more about the contest & rules on the site:
And I can’t resist posting this statement from the author (she’s so awesome!!! ok I’m prejudiced for obvious reasons)

I am a librarian’s daughter, as I’ve mentioned many times. I used both the Baltimore city and county library systems growing up. One of my favorite childhood memories centers on going to the library before a big trip and checking out books for the road. I know the scores of countless Broadway musicals because I could check the albums out of my local library. Years later, I began discovering opera the same way, only via CD. Meanwhile, my shelves are filled with writers I never would have discovered without libraries.
I am who I am today because of libraries. Perhaps you have a similar story to tell. If so, I really want to hear it. And if this works out, I hope to do the same thing for a deserving independent bookstore.

Posted by Jody Meza, City Librarian