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What’s your Hunger Games name?

Are you a Hunger Games fan anxiously waiting for the movie?  Ever tried to imagine what would happen if you were selected in the lottery to battle for your district?  There is an entertaining site called Hunger Names that will generate a quirky Panem-sounding name for you, tell you what games you participated in, and how you met your end.  Here’s mine:

Your name is Sage Hoverhound
Congratulations! You had the honor of being a District 9 tribute in the 63rd Hunger Games!
You were killed by an arrow in the heart.

at least it was quick?!?!  You can find out how you would have met your end at
Haven’t read the book yet?  Check it out at the Orland Library!
Posted by Jody, who is currently reading A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster by R. Solnit