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What do books and tattoos have in common?

They’re both featured in a book titled The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide  by Eva Talmadge and Justin Taylor.  This book is currently on its way to the library.

For some reason I am intrigued by literary and library related tattoos so I am definitely looking forward to reading this book.  You can read an older post about library-related tattoos here.

If you are also looking forward to reading this book you can call the library to place a hold or visit the Orland Free Library website to search our collection for other interesting items.

Posted by Jody


  • Nick
    Posted May 4, 2011 3:34 pm 0Likes

    Hello all. I just got done reading a great fictional book for young adults that I think many people would be interested in. It’s called Forty Feet Below by Johnny T. Rockenstire. It’s similar to the DaVinci Code with a conspiracy and stuff, only a lot more action. Great gift idea for anyone into that.

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