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Pigeon Party Fun

IMG_0952The Pigeon knows how to party! Here you can see the Pigeon himself welcoming kids to the final summer activity at the Orland Library.
First the kids made Pigeon headbands so that everyone could be a Pigeon. Then they all did The Pigeon Dance (which is an awful lot like the Chicken Dance):
After that they watched two animations of Mo Willem’s books: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and The Pigeon Wants a Hot Dog.
They drew pictures on the themes of Don’t Let the Pigeon . . . .  and The Pigeon Wants . . .  The Pigeon Wants A Bicycle!  The Pigeon Wants to Fly a Jet! But . . . Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Limo, and Don’t Let the Pigeon Go Hunting!
Next they made Pigeon head cookies. If you squinted and tilted your head just right, the cookies looked like the Pigeon. Some of the cookies went home, and some of them went straight to the tummy.
IMG_0973Three great teen volunteers—Taylor Matousek, Caden Crowston, and Miklayla Burreson helped out with the program. Couldn’t do it without them.
It was another great summer at the Orland Free Library. Congratulations to all our wonderful kid readers who read lots and lots of books this summer.
Posted by Nancy, who can’t get the Chicken Dance tune out of her head.