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Just what does 4G mean?

If you are like me, maybe you have wondered when watching those endless TV commercials, just what does 4G mean? Well doing a bit of research I have discovered that 4G simply means 4th generation. So the new cell phones are considered the 4th generation. The 1st generation was those somewhat bulky cell phones from the 80’s that were analogue and used towers [like radios]. The 2nd being digital models which came about in the early 90’s. The 3rd generation [or 3G] were just after 2000. You could be talking on the phone and use the internet at the same time! Now there is the iphone which I guess can do anything but make you lunch. Thinking about all these modern miracles made me wonder about Alexander Graham Bell. Today marks the anniversary of the first transcontinental phone call:

Phone to Pacific From the Atlantic

Perfect Test of Transcontinental Line Made by Inventors of Bell and Watson.

-Can you imagine in that time and place what a marvel that must have been!
We now take so many things for granted, but the history of the telephone, and the life of the inventor are really fascinating. We have several books on those subjects so maybe you can stroll on down to the Library and check it out. Oh, and don’t forget to turn off your cell phone.
Posted by Estel.


  • Kathy
    Posted January 25, 2011 8:00 pm 0Likes

    Wonder what Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison would have thought of our phones!

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