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Good Reads

As I was shelving books in the fiction section the other day, my eye was wandering over the titles, and a few books jumped out at me as ones that I had read a long time ago. I got to thinking (dangerous pastime, that!) and I thought I would put together a list of good reads for my summertime reading. Now, I read continuously throughout the year (more books are on my to-be-read pile than is probably healthy) and most of my reading is non-fiction, but summertime seems to demand a more relaxing, escapist type of reading. Some of the titles I’ll be reading and can highly recommend to you to put on your list are:
Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns
Dancing at the Rascal Fair by Ivan Doig
Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Armin
My Antonia by Willa Cather
The Eight by Katherine Neville
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
Well, I could go on and on and there are plenty of new titles to check out too! Your library is full of wonderful books to read and a growing collection of audio books for those trips you may be planning on taking this summer. Aren’t we fortunate to have such an abundance of choices?