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Flavia DeLuce -11 Year Old Detective extraordinaire.

Do you enjoy poison? Flavia DeLuce does. It is a consuming passion of the pre-teen sleuth. A pint-sized precocious Sherlock Holmes, she is a delightful antidote herself. Flavia was first introduced to us in Alan Bradley’s Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Her second adventure was The Weed that Strings the Hangman’s Bag. The third installment was A Red Herring Without Mustard. The most recent offering I am Half-Sick of Shadows just came out this month [November 2011]. You might have to get on a waiting list for these books, but if you ask me it is worth the wait! How many 11 Year olds do you know that have their own laboratory? Her most current adventure takes place at Buckshaw, her family home. Flavia’s intention is to capture Saint Nick, to prove her sisters wrong, [Yes Saint Nick does exist!]. Because of monetary problems, her father has rented the house to a film company. As usual there is a mystery brewing. Do yourself a favor and catch up with Flavia. My deduction is you will be happy you did. You can find the Flavia DeLuce novels in the mystery section at The Orland Free  Library. If they happen to be mysteriously missing, put yourself on a waiting list and we will let you know as soon as they are available for you.

Posted by Estel.