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February is Black History month.

Did  you know that February is Black History month? There is a bit of contention about this. I have seen it on some of the news stations and PBS. Some people believe that having a month that celebrates Black History is divisive. I don’t know, in my own opinion it is always good to call attention to people’s accomplishments, no matter how it’s done. To my thinking, though, it is kind of a raw deal that is DOES happen to be the shortest month of the year, even though this year it’s one day longer than usual. We have  a great many wonderful items at the Library to acquaint you with all these contributions. There are many interesting biographies from Malcolm X to Paul Robeson. We have dozens. We also have the award winning series Eyes on the Prize and it’s sequel, although unfortunately these are on VHS. This was a ground-breaking look at the Civil Rights movement. Great scholars, activists, actors and athletes. You can learn about these accomplishments,and many more. That might just pique your interest to want to know more. It does mine!
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