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Come party with us

Orland Library Centennial Celebration:
Month-Long Events
To show our appreciation for our patrons the library will be offering amnesty for overdue items and library replacement cards during the entire month of February.  Overdue items can be turned in during the month of February and no fines will be charged.  The $3.00 replacement fee will also be waived for library cards.  This event does not apply to outstanding fines, lost or damaged items.
Displays: The library will have special displays of old library-related photographs, newspaper articles and items.  
Time Capsule: children can share a comment about their favorite book for the time capsule.
Love Your Library Scrapbook: Stop by the library during the month of February and we will have a book available for you to sign and share your favorite memory of the library or tell us why you love the library.  The book will be added to the collection for future generations to enjoy and quotes will be featured on the library’s website.
Special Events
Prize Drawing Kick-off and Penny Wars: Check out an item during the week of Feb. 14th-18th and you will be entered into a drawing for a basket full of books and prizes.  Penny Wars- Each staff member has decorated a jar with their favorite literary character.  Vote for your favorite during this week by donating your spare change.  All donations received will be used for the purchase of new books.
Tuesday, Feb. 15th from 2:00-4:00p.m.: Women’s Improvement Club hosts open house with refreshments.  The Centennial Queen will also be present.  The Friends of the Orland Library will be giving away book bags full of items to attendees.  
Wednesday, Feb. 16th at 11:00 a.m.:  A special preschool storytime with craft will be held for children ages 2-5.
Thursday, Feb. 17th at 11:00 a.m.: A special baby/toddler storytime will be held for ages 0-2.  At 3:00 p.m. ages 5-10 are encouraged to attend a birthday party for the library.  A take home craft will be included.
Friday, Feb. 18th at 5:55 p.m.: The winner of the prize drawing will be announced.