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Check out the enki California Digital Library!

In response to COVID-19 and library closures, Califa has partnered with Bibliolabs to launch enki California Digital Library, an ebook library available to every person in California:

  • no library card is required
  • no hold queues
  • if you are physically located in the state of California, you’re in!

This collection uses geolocation to provide immediate access to anyone physically located in the state of California. The library includes over 5,300 simultaneous use ebooks from leading publishers as well as the Indie Author Project Select collection, which features over 400 award-winning indie-published ebooks, some of which are right here in California!

Note this resource does not provide access to the entire enki library collection – just titles that are licensed for simultaneous use (no holds) and that fit the selected curations, including:

  • CA Indie Authors
  • Unity in Diversity
  • Books for Early Readers
  • Storytime for Little Listeners
  • Travel the World from your Livingroom
  • Top YA Picks
  • Be Your Own Superhero
  • Stories about People Who Changed the World
  • Sci Fi & Fantasy
  • Let’s Get Cooking
  • LGBT Fiction
  • Inspired by Comic Strips
  • Books for a Healthier You
  • Books for Dummies

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